dinsdag 1 december 2009

Seven seas has moved to a other sim

7 Seas Mermaid Mall has recently moved and is now reopened.


Expanding into the fairy theme, the attractions are mostly for mer-people.

You will find a wide spread range of creative Merchants. Here at 7 Seas Mermaid Mall you get a bang for the buck.

So don't hesitate, we got an OPENING-SALE going on. Items are on 20 to 50% discount until 9th of december.

Wish you all happy shopping and safe waters

p.s. there are a few shops at the Fairy-mall still available

greedings owners of seven seas.

romana falta & maurice sabra

geedings seven seas manerger & bubbles owner

Aischa Akina

zondag 6 september 2009

the new outfits

here are the picks of the new outfits and the nuw link to get to the mall :)

hugs xxx romana


new stuff

hello everyone there are some new mers in the mall.
i havend had time to update my blogg for a long time sorry bout that it was to messy in rl :(
but now i have found some rest and time to update :)
i hope to see you soon in the mall we have moved aswell and have made lods of chances and still chancing things
well here the first new mers for you

woensdag 6 mei 2009

new mermaid outfits in store :)

hy everyone i have made 2 new mermaids this week i bet you will all love tham you can find tham in our mall and oufcorse in all other ro's designs stores

love you all hugs and xx ro
here you can find us :

maandag 13 april 2009

In srore now Deep sea merbride

yes finaly its forsale the Deep sea merbride

I have made 2 tiaras aswell for it one with viel and one without viel.

Of course is this mer is affordable for everyone.

This mer can be worn after your wedding aswell.

maandag 6 april 2009

New arival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yayyyy there it finaly is:))

i wanted to make it realy long but didnt have the time to do it and now finaly there it is :)

the first ro's designs Bridal mermaid it will be instore before the end of the week but you can already see it here :)


Hey everyone.

And welcome to my blogg.

Finaly i took some time to make a blogg for the seven seas mermaid mall and ro's designs

here you will be the first to know about new things in and about the mall and aswell about new designs and new projects were i work on.

I hope you all will enjoy and have funn on my blogg.